Resisting the Duopoly-Building & Organizing | Green Party Guest Panel Stephanie Voltolin + Jill Stein + Ed Grystar 9am ET / 6am PT
CNN Poll Reveals Majority of US Against Funding the Ukraine War Further | Guest Margaret Kimberley 10am ET / 7am PT
FLASHBACK to 2016-The Media Used to be Critical of Ukraine | Guest Margaret Kimberley 11am ET / 8am PT
Dr. Cornel West-Too Big a Risk for AOC? 12pm ET / 9am PT
RE:DCs WEALTH SSupremacy Corrupting Union Bosses~
What could go wrong with Union Headquarters locating in DC❓
Remedies❓Union HEADS Boots-On-The-Ground, not only Organizers
ALL Union Heads MUST UNITE to relentlessly descend like a plague on EVERY egregious Work Place /Working Community Event, especially those where CEO Profits from NEGLIGENCE results in DEATHS. How many Americans are aware, 6mo later, ThePeople of E. Palestine OH STILL have NO DISASTER RELIEF❓ And damnit! They won’t DIE fast enough to Go Away. So THEIR Political “Representatives” legislate one DELAY TIL DEATH postponement of relief after another.