OBSESSION by SAM SEDER | A Fragrance for PMC'S | Jimmy Dore Derangement Syndrome REQUIRES Medication and Therapy | PMC'S see Jimmy Dore as a Class Traitor | LIVE at 515PM ET
OBSESSION by SAM SEDER | A Fragrance for PMC'S | Jimmy Dore Derangement Syndrome REQUIRES Medication and Therapy | PMC'S see Jimmy Dore as a Class Traitor | LIVE at 515PM ET
OBSESSION by SAM SEDER | A Fragrance for PMC'S | Jimmy Dore Derangement Syndrome REQUIRES Medication and Therapy | PMC'S see Jimmy Dore as a Class Traitor | LIVE at 515PM ET
Jimmy often talks about "fake tough guy Lawrence O'Donnell". I think he should give Lawrence a break and refer to "fake tough guy, Sammy Seder".