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INDEPENDENT BLACK MEDIA: Deconstructing Corporate Propaganda, Western Hegemony, Geopolitics, Multipolarity, Capitalism, Imperialism & Global South Rising w/ award-winning journalists, authors, politicians, activists, professors, experts & labor organizers
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Premieres for Sunday, October 22nd
Will & Jada Played PRETEND! 8am ET / 5am PT
The Peter Daou Effect Continued-Cornel West on Bad Faith with Briahna Joy Gray 9am ET / 6am PT
Lindsey Graham on Meet The Press 10am ET / 7am PT
Ajamu Baraka Explains How The Negro Servant Serves The White Power Structure 10:30 ET / 7:30 PT
Kim Iverson Calls Out Super-Zionist RFK Jr. | TPDS 11am ET / 8am PT
Niko House on the Media’s Reaction to Gaza Hospital Attack | Nick @ Night 12pm ET / 9am PT