As Featured on Abby Martin’s Empire Files


Produced by ROGER WATERS ~

WALLED OFF (2024) by Watermelon Pictures

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I hate to say it, but Jill Stein's position on covid is lacking. I supported her with enthusiam in 2012 and 2016. It's great she says she's against mandates, but it is not in her written platform (https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform). I think I heard her say she's for a truth and reconcilliation committee on covid, which would be great, but it is not in her platform.

Her platform does have disturbing things like "Establish policies that will eliminate SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, healthcare facilities, and on public transportation." How does she think that is possible?

Also: "Strengthen the infrastructure for accelerated emergency distribution of information, medications, vaccines, and treatments." What about making sure the information is accurate and the vaccines are not poison??

The absolute minium I need a politician to do to get my vote is to endorse the Green Party's National Black Caucus statement from *2021*: https://www.blackcaucusgreens.org/we_say_no_to_mandates. Cornel West evaded the question of whether he endorsed it on Jimmy Dore's show. If she really goes on Jimmy Dore, she needs to be prepared to answer that question.

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What’s wrong with stoping COVID?

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Nothing, but the shots don't stop transmission and neither do masks, and it sounds like she doesn't know that. What policy could she be referring to? Closing schools and subways forever? Putting everyone in plastic bubbles forever?

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I hope you guys do look more into A.I. It needs to be banned now, until a reliable system is in place to insure it is not abused. It should be treated like nuclear weapons.

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