Great work, you guys! Thank you for this explanation for reparations. It’s the best I’ve seen. I’m not sure how any good faith argument could counter it effectively.

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See economist Michael Hudson on the operational lie of “comparative advantage” which US still uses to subjugate countries to this day. The idea: US says to a target country, don’t produce your own food or refine your own oil, we’ll do that. Instead, produce limited variety of monoculture export crops. This is the poor country’s “comparative advantage.” Why it remains poor while the US steals and exploits its resources for the benefit of itself.

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I saw that some of the BLM leadership are rubbing shoulders with the WEF, the very organization that backs the global neoliberal economic hegemony ruled by the west (US/Wall Street). Schwab is a Kissinger protege, a prime founder/member of the Washington Consensus. Who is that going to help? (Rhetorical question)

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