❓WTF❓ Police Siege of the Move House ended NOT at the death of a single cop but the PHILLY POLICE BOMBING of the House and MURDERS of 11 Citizens including 5 kids . . .

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Given the anti-democracy constraints on FreeSpeech, FreePress & FreedomOfInformation, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now Team does a fair job, of disclosing to ThePeople, the plight of U.S. Political Prisoners.

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Systemic Poverty enforced by HyperFunded, Militarized Police +U.S. Prison is the System devised to condemn “the blacks” while appearing to merely rid the WEALTH SSupremacy of “dangerous criminals.”

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Political Prisoner, Chilean Journalist Gonzalo Lira out on bail, pending “trial” ~ Any possible hope of Political Asylum assist from Wagner?

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